Business Makers
Business Makers' provides comprehensive services and solutions to all business types. We can help to start a new business. With over two decades of experience in the business industry, we are experts in helping businesses make their brand a success. We pride ourselves on providing excellent customer service. Thanks to our years of experience and multitude of services and flat-rate subscriptions, there are no hidden costs! We are here to help your bring your dreams and goals to fruition.
Graphic Design, Logo Design, Website Maintenance, Webdesign, Domain Registration, Email, eCommerce, Reputation Management, MySQL, CSS, HTML, PHP, Social Media, Search engine optimization (SEO), Accounting, Office, Server Setup, macOS, Windows, WordPress
Website Design
Business Makers was contracted to build a complete web presence for Employment Service Consultants. The contract includes a social media component as well as a graphic design, printing, merchandising and management of all aforementioned products. tools and services.