We have been building multilingual website solutions for our clients since 1995. We specialize in English & Spanish with an emphasis in the North American Latino market, from branding to successful web solutions.

[C O G N • E N T \ käg­nənt \ n] - At Cognent we are driven by the knowledge of the interplay between humanity and technology. Cognent is a full service digital managed services company. Cognent strives to make available the technology necessary to make you successful by engaging your current and future clients. Engaging your clients through the numerous digital channels - the current and the future ones requires a clear understanding of the human and technology interactions that leads to business success.

As a full-managed services provider, Cognent delivers cloud-based technology giving your company the latest technology while reducing your overhead costs by managing all aspects of your digital footprint.

All technical aspects of each digital service - whether it is hosted Microsoft® Exchange Email, hosted VoIP telephone service, hosted Microsoft® Office365, website services or file sharing solutions - are handled by Cognent engineers. One telephone call makes all the technology affordable and easy to deploy across your business.

Whether you are a small one-man office or a ten-person small business, Cognent believes that you should have access to the same Enterprise technology that large businesses enjoy. Cognent’s cloud services gives you all the tools to compete in today’s technology driven business landscape.

Martín Paredes, the founder of Cognent, has been involved in the Internet industry since 1995, when the Internet was nothing more than a fad. Since then, Cognent has developed a time-tested paradigm in audience engagement through digital media platforms. The paradigm is based on the strategic single-source, one-stop agency that creates content, develops and deploys digital platforms and promotes your message across all the online channels.

At Cognent we believe in putting our souls and our love into each of the projects we create. We believe that each project is an extension of our being. We create out of love for what we do.

Each of the art we create, we create by hand. That means that each video, graphic or photograph is touched by a human hand. It means that we code, by hand, every snippet of code that goes into our projects. At Cognent we are driven by the desire to perfect our tradecraft.

At Cognent, we understand that pretty isn't everything. At Cognent we make beautiful things that work. That means that the code driving your project works no matter who is viewing it on whatever technology they like.

Our custom-built Amitor® platform delivers an integrated business platform for your business giving you the lead against your competitors.

The Cognent “e”: The “e” prefix in online parlance stands for the word electronic. It is used to describe the word it prefixes as an electronic version of a preexisting analog version of that process. For example, e-mail is the digital version of mail. Other e-prefixed words in common vernacular are e-banking, e-books, e-business and e-commerce. From these words evolved others like e-conomy, e-tail and e-trade. For us at Cognent the “e” prefix signifies the transformation from an analog process to a digital one.